
Course Details

Data Structures and Algorithms
Devvrath Shishodia
Last Update:

December 23, 2023


Course Content

Week-1: C++ Basics, operators, Flow charts & Loops
Explore fundamental structures crucial for organizing data efficiently. Arrays provide ordered collections, linked lists offer dynamic data storage, while stacks and queues manage data access based on specific rules, crucial for various algorithmic implementations.

  • C++ introduction, How do C++ Programs Run
  • Data Types in C++
  • Operators like, Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assingnment, Bitwise, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, etc
  • If else, Nested If else, Switch statement in C++. Example- Leap Year, Simple Calculator, etc
  • For Loops, While Loops, Do While Loops, Break & Continue statements. Examples- All Divisor of a Number, Fibonacci Numbers, Binary to Decimal, etc

Week-2: Analysis of Algorithm, Pointer, Recursion Session 1: Analysis of Algorithm
Dive into various algorithms to manipulate and process data. Sorting algorithms such as bubble, merge, and quick sort arrange data systematically. Searching algorithms like binary search efficiently locate elements. Additionally, graph algorithms navigate relationships among data points, pivotal in numerous applications.

Week-3: Arrays
Engage in coding challenges and exercises designed to reinforce theoretical knowledge. These challenges simulate real-world scenarios, encouraging the application of learned concepts to solve complex problems, fostering proficiency in algorithmic thinking and problem-solving.

Week-4: Searching & Sorting
Understand how these data structures and algorithms manifest in software development. Discover how utilizing the right data structure and algorithm can significantly impact the efficiency and performance of applications, making them more scalable and robust.

Week-5: Matrix & Hashing
Equip yourself for technical interviews by honing problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking. Prepare to articulate solutions and optimize code efficiency, crucial for excelling in software engineering interviews and real-world development challenges.

Week-6: Strings & LinkedList

Week-7: Stack, Queue & Deque

Week-8: Tree and Binary Search Tree

Week-9: Greedy, & Heap

Week-10: Graphs

Week-11: Dynamic Programming

Week-12: Projects

  • Instructor
  • Language

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