
Course Details

Devvrath Shishodia
Last Update:

December 23, 2023


Course Content

Financial Markets Exploration
Gain insights into the dynamics of financial markets, understanding the roles of stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other asset classes. Explore market structures, mechanisms, and the influence of economic factors on asset prices, providing a foundational understanding of how markets operate.

  • Introduction to Advanced Finance and Course Overview
  • Review of Basic Finance Concepts
  • Financial Statements and Analysis: Balance Sheet and Income Statement
  • Ratio Analysis and Interpretation
  • Financial Statements and Analysis: Cash Flow Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement Analysis
  • Financial Forecasting Techniques
  • Introduction to Valuation Methods
  • Advanced Financial Statement Analysis
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis
  • Cost of Capital and Capital Structure
  • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Calculation
  • Capital Structure Decision Making

Analysis and Valuation Techniques:
Learn to dissect financial statements, perform ratio analysis, and assess company performance. Dive into valuation methodologies such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis and relative valuation, enabling you to determine the intrinsic value of assets and make informed investment decisions.

Risk Management Strategies
Understand various types of risks - market risk, credit risk, operational risk - and the techniques to measure and mitigate them. Explore concepts like diversification, hedging, and risk-return trade-offs to create balanced and resilient portfolios.

Portfolio Management
Delve into portfolio theory, asset allocation strategies, and the construction of investment portfolios. Learn about risk tolerance, asset correlation, and optimization techniques to build diversified portfolios aligned with investment objectives.

Economic Insights
Explore the impact of macroeconomic factors like inflation, interest rates, and GDP on financial markets. Understand how microeconomic factors influence individual assets and industries, gaining insights to anticipate market movements and make strategic financial decisions.


12,000.00 22,000.00
  • Instructor
  • Language

Payment :
